7 Things

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Linking up for 7 Quick Takes

1. I’m not one of those people who jumps on pumpkin flavored everything as soon as we hit September, but I did discover this week that McDonald’s has a pumpkin spice flavored syrup so now I’m not sure why I’d ever go back to Starbucks and have to pay more than $1 when I feel the need for a pumpkin flavored coffee drink.

2. Are Adidas Superstars officially back? I keep seeing them online and those were my favorite back in high school. Like wear them everyday and keep them sparkling clean with soft scrub type of favorite. Anyone else?

3. Old Navy is dangerous right now – have you guys been in lately?! I’ve had lunchtime trips over the past few weeks and both times I walk out spending way more than I should. I now have 3 pairs of these shoes that I’ve added to my closet and finally decided I loved this sweater and went for it after seeing several bloggers wear it in ways I really loved. Heads up though if you’re thinking about buying it too, my normal size felt too sloppy through the shoulders so I sized down one size and it still has the loose fitting feel I was going for but doesn’t look sloppy, and the sleeves are still long enough!

4. This week we upped our parenting game and we’ve been winding down with Jacob by taking turns reading books with him before bed, with my husband and I each picking our favorites. I went for Goodnight Moon and taught him to find the mouse in every scene like my dad used to do with my brother and I. By the second time we read the book I’d tell him to find the mouse and I knew when he’d found it because he just started giggling, then I would ask to show me and he’d point to it. So cute!

5. I’m grateful that even though I live about 2 hours from my hometown, that 2 of my best friends from childhood live in the same city. Lately we’ve had plenty of group texts to stay connected, but it’s gotten harder and harder to get together as often as we used to. We finally just planned another girls night in a couple of weeks and I’m super excited for it…countdown is on!

6. It’s officially fall and I just continue staring wistfully at my fall/winter Pinterest board waiting for the temperature to dip low enough to wear some layers, because if you take a look at what I’ve pinned it seems like I’ll probably live in distressed denim and layers in alternative shades of black, gray, tan, burgundy, and olive green.

7. Found this article thanks to Bridget’s blog post on Friday and it made me laugh and want to hang out with Bill Murray!

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