
Talking about life lately, linking up with Anne and Beth!



I just posted last week about a book I read recently and really loved – A Series of Catastrophes & Miracles by Mary Elizabeth Williams. Such a good read in my opinion, and it really got me thinking! On a more light hearted note, I’m now reading The Joy of Leaving Your Sh*t All Over the Place by Jennifer McCartney. It’s just a short but funny read that challenges everything about the clutter free/Kon Mari life. As long as colorful language doesn’t offend you, then it’s one I would recommend if you need a good laugh and an excuse to ignore all household chores. 🙂

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To get my life together in terms of health/fitness. I want to eat healthier, and have been really intrigued by zoodles and debating trying to convince my husband that we need a spiralizer. I noticed the other day that our grocery store now sells squash or sweet potatoes already spiralized so I’m using that as a tester for a week of two to make sure I’ll actually eat the stuff before adding another gadget to our kitchen cabinets. So far I’ve just eaten them with pasta sauce for a few lunches at work, but think I’ll have to get a little more creative to avoid getting bored with it.


After an appointment with the allergist today confirmed a peanut and cow’s milk allergy for our son, I’m hoping that he’ll outgrow both at some point!



Our office area. It’s just a small nook upstairs but earlier this summer I reorganized it and created a space for Jacob too. Now I just have to get myself to use it more. It feels good to finally have some things hanging on the wall in there too after 6 years of living here!

To-Do Listing

The never ending nature of it has been a recent source of stress, but a few of the big ones hanging over my head are another closet clean out for me, going through all of Jacob’s old clothes to get rid of ones we don’t want to keep and better organize the ones we do (I just threw everything in boxes as he outgrew them), and to put a little more effort into our landscaping. None of these things sound enjoyable. 😦

8 thoughts on “Currently”

  1. Oh mama, a milk AND peanut allergy? I’m sorry to hear that. Ollie still has a mild milk protein allergy so he drinks almond milk which I’m guessing would be out for Jacob. I hope he outgrows them both! And as much as I want to de-clutter and re-organize my house, I really want to read that book because I think it’s honestly much more my reality!


    1. Right?! I feel like it’s a double whammy. We’ve suspected the cow’s milk allergy since he was 6 months old so that wasn’t surprising to me but the peanut allergy was. Thankfully it’s just peanuts and not other nuts they said so almond milk is fine – thank goodness b/c that and coconut have been our go-to options!

      And yes, please just give in along with me and read the book and embrace the clutter. 😉 I’m trying to find some kind of middle ground so we’ll see how that goes, haha!


  2. We have a spiralizer! It’s really useful and cool and the zoodles (as I guess they’re called then) are really yummy. Oh no! Milk AND peanuts? I hope he outgrows them too!
    It’s lovely to read your post! (I found your post via the linkup!)


  3. First of all, hugs on the kid allergy front. As a kid who had allergies, and then as a mom whose kid had allergies, it’s easier being the kid in that situation. Luckily, my little grew out of it (egg allergy) quite quickly. Phew!

    The book not about cleaning sounds right up my ally. I thought I would love KonMari but I spent the entire time reading it laughing at it, and sending pictures of hilarious quotes from it to my family.

    And get a good spiralizer if you’re going to get one! I cheaped out and regret it. All the time. Like stopped using it and started just trying to cut everything with a knife really really thinly (which also doesn’t work). And let us know what some great recipes are!


    1. Thank you Cara!! I’m a little bit anxious about it and feel like even though we’ve been careful before, that it’s still going to feel like an adjustment to really pay closer attention to ingredients and what he comes in contact with.

      I liked some components of Kon Mari, like specifically focusing on one category of things at a time rather than by room but exactly like you said – some parts really made me laugh! Sure clothes can bring me joy simply because I love clothes 😉 but no, I do not think the things in my house have feelings.

      But maybe she wore off on me more than I thought because I’m avoiding buying a spiralizer yet because I don’t want to spend the money and just have it take up space and be another thing in my kitchen if I’m not going to use it, haha! But I will definitely keep your advice in mind if I decide to get one because I would probably need to be swayed to not just buy the cheapest thing out there even though I know I would regret it!


  4. Haha I like that book title. And dislike all the house chores! Have you checked out the Inspiralized blog? Soooo many spiralizing ideas. I recently made a spiralized pizza crust even!


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