Things That Make Me Happy Right Now


After a weekend that was a lot of fun but just annoying on the potty training front, I’m feeling the need to focus on all the little things in life lately that have put a smile on my face – and thankfully there’s plenty to choose from!

1. Kind people, the type like the cashier who noticed my birth date on my license a few days before it when she carded me and told me happy early birthday.

2. Vacation days that gift a long weekend away from work. I love the work that I get to do, but there’s just nothing that beats a long weekend! Thankfully I’ve had two weeks of these and that let me have a good balance of one vacation day spent together as a family, and then the next one spent allll to myself.

3. Fresh cut sunflowers from Trader Joe’s for $3.99. I somehow went to the store on Friday and forgot to pick up a fresh bunch! The $4.99 bunch from Whole Foods today just may have to do. 🙂

4. Early bedtime for the toddler. If there’s a silver lining to refusing a nap then it’s him snuggling up with me and falling asleep way earlier than usual, giving us free time we are not used to having at night. We actually got to watch a movie last night! That never happens. I got to pick, and I went for the The Accountant. Not bad in my opinion.

5. A good margarita. I’ve been having some fun playing bartender and making my own this summer and have found some pretty good combinations! This was a favorite, but was just labor intensive enough that I haven’t repeated the recipe. The jalapeno peach margarita was a good find too, frozen when I still had fresh peaches on hand and an on the rocks version once those were gone that involved the juice of half a lime, limeade, and peach juice with the tequila and triple sec and a big slice of fresh jalapeno. The jalapeno limeade from Trader Joe’s has been perfect for when I don’t have fresh jalapenos at home (which is often). Maybe some version of this recipe will be next up, some weekend before we hit the official end of summer?

6. Toddler cuteness, and there is plenty of it in our house. My favorite lately was one morning over the weekend when we were curled up on the couch eating breakfast with Mickey and the Roadster Racers on TV and when I asked him if Mickey Racers (what he calls it) he told me no, that mommy is his favorite. But then this morning he looked me right in the eyes and I think prompted by my pink lip color, asked me if I was a princess. That kid steals my heart multiple times a day!

What’s putting a smile on your face lately?


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